The make-up of families in Hong Kong has changed rapidly over the past three decades as more couples break up and divorcees remarry, creating challenges at every level of society. Whilst it is all well and good if parents choose not to be together, importance must be placed on the well-being and best interests of children. So, in celebration of World Children's Day this month, the Withers family team thought it would be apt to host two panel discussions. To deal the changing attitudes to the family unit as a result of Hong Kong's high divorce and remarriage numbers, I moderated the first panel discussion which explored the societal transformations in divorce proceedings and children's rights. Samantha Gershon moderated the second panel discussion, exploring children's rights in divorce and how to safeguard their best interests. As family structures, work arrangements and children's behaviour continue to evolve our panellists, who are experts in their field and advocates for families going through difficult transformational periods, also shared with the audience about the psychological effects and impact of divorce and separation on families. Reshma Chugh Dr. Katrina Rozga Sala Sihombing Quratulain Zaidi Dr. Kristie Craigen Josephine Tong, LCSW Withersworldwide #safeguardingchildren #divorcelawyer #bestinterestsofchildren #impactofdivorceandseparation #childexperts #childrensrights